2nd Annual MENATOX Clinical Toxicology Symposium
Issam Fares Hall @ American University of Beirut
April 26 & 27, 2010
The Middle East and North Africa Toxicology Group was formed in 2008 with the goal of advancing clinical toxicology in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region. A clinical toxicology symposium in conjunction with the upcoming Middle East Medical Assembly in April 2010 will provide a valuable opportunity to regional and international stakeholders to meet and discuss toxicological issues that are relevant to their communities.
Professional Practice Gap
Poisoning is an important global public health problem. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 350,000 people died worldwide from unintentional poisoning in 2002. Greater than 90% of fatal poisonings occurred in low- and middle-income countries.
The World Health Organization. http://www.who.int/ipcs/poisons/en/ (accessed 03/04/2010)
The field of clinical toxicology is rapidly evolving. Our communities are faced with a wide range of toxin and toxicants. Suboptimal public and worker safety safeguards are recognized in the MENA region and can potentially lead to unrecognized health problems.
Saddik B, Nuwayhid I, Williamson A, Black D.Evidence of neurotoxicity in working children in Lebanon. Neurotoxicology.
2003 Aug;24(4-5):733-9.
Chamandi SC, Kallab K, Mattar H, Nader E. Human poisoning after ingestion of puffer fish caught from Mediterranean Sea. Middle East J Anesthesiol. 2009 Jun;20(2):285-8.
In the MENA region, disparate healthcare systems lead to inconsistent toxicology practices. As we gravitate towards a “global world”, we need to better communicate with each other and engage in exchanges of scientific knowledge. The purpose of this symposium is to enhance that exchange. The MENATOX annual symposium aims to enhance the knowledge of attendees in toxicology and promote collaborations that advance the care of our poisoned patients.
Discuss the general approach to a poisoned patient in an emergency department
Discuss marine envenomations and poisonings in the Mediterranean, Gulf and Red Seas
Discuss clinical toxicology administrative challenges in the MENA region
Describe updates in the management of organophosphate and aluminum phospide poisoning
Discuss challenges and potential solutions for antivenom production in the MENA region
Discuss particular aspects of poisoning in the pediatric population
Describe the management of radiation injuries
Discuss the emergency department use of antidotes
Describe updates in the management of paracetamol toxicity
Describe updates in the management of cyclic and non-cyclic antidepressant poisonings
Call for Abstracts
The MENATOX Scientific Committee is now accepting abstracts for review for oral presentation at the MENATOX Annual Symposium. Authors are invited to submit original research and case reports in all aspects of clinical toxicology for consideration. Six abstracts will be selected for oral presentation (10 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions) during the plenary session. All accepted abstracts will be presented as oral presentations in English. Research that has already been presented elsewhere is also welcome.
The deadline for abstract submission is March 15, 2010, 17:00 Eastern Standard Time.
Abstract Submission Instructions
Abstracts should be submitted as a word document to info@menatox.org and need to include the full name of the authors as well as their affiliation. Please use a Time New Roman or Arial font size 12 and limit the abstract body size to 2000 characters including spaces. Tables and figures need to be submitted as well electronically and will not affect the word count.
When submitting an abstract of a research study, please use the following format: Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
When submitting an abstract of a case report, please use the following format: Introduction, Case-Report, and Conclusion.
Additional Requirements
Please do not include references in your submission.
Specify if the abstract has been presented elsewhere and state the meeting it was presented at, if applicable.
When presenting a research abstract, please certify that institutional review board (IRB) approval has been obtained for the study.